Spring Cleaning the Mind

Every spring time we do spring cleaning to our homes. Getting rid of all the clutter and things just lying around.

When was the last time we spring cleaned our thoughts. Getting rid of all those negative thought that actually serves you no purpose. Those negative thoughts that have build up all year long.

Those thoughts of not being able to fulfill your dreams, buy that car, purchase that home. Those negative thought that hold you hostage to unfulfillment. Those thoughts need to be replaced with positive and loving thoughts.

The one thing in life we can count on is loving ourselves. It makes it easy for us to be positive.  Positive thoughts are NOT enough, they must be followed up with positive feelings and positive action. That is called spring cleaning the mind.

We can all have a perfect day by going to bed with a dream and waking up with a purpose.

Take control of your thoughts and make them work for you. Don't let all the negativity in the world get all cluttered in your mind. Spring clean on a regular bases and watch how thinking positive thoughts and behavior can give you a crisp, unclutter love affair with life. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.

Make room for a fresh new start of your life every day and see how a clear, uncluttered head can help you move forward in a  positive way. If we remember to have a positive mind it will produce a positive vibe and that will lead you to a positive life.

           "I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined too be defeated" author unknown

Talk to me!!! Let me know one positive thing you will do this week to start spring cleaning your mind!