Spring Cleaning the Mind

Every spring time we do spring cleaning to our homes. Getting rid of all the clutter and things just lying around.

When was the last time we spring cleaned our thoughts. Getting rid of all those negative thought that actually serves you no purpose. Those negative thoughts that have build up all year long.

Those thoughts of not being able to fulfill your dreams, buy that car, purchase that home. Those negative thought that hold you hostage to unfulfillment. Those thoughts need to be replaced with positive and loving thoughts.

The one thing in life we can count on is loving ourselves. It makes it easy for us to be positive.  Positive thoughts are NOT enough, they must be followed up with positive feelings and positive action. That is called spring cleaning the mind.

We can all have a perfect day by going to bed with a dream and waking up with a purpose.

Take control of your thoughts and make them work for you. Don't let all the negativity in the world get all cluttered in your mind. Spring clean on a regular bases and watch how thinking positive thoughts and behavior can give you a crisp, unclutter love affair with life. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.

Make room for a fresh new start of your life every day and see how a clear, uncluttered head can help you move forward in a  positive way. If we remember to have a positive mind it will produce a positive vibe and that will lead you to a positive life.

           "I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined too be defeated" author unknown

Talk to me!!! Let me know one positive thing you will do this week to start spring cleaning your mind!









I am sure that we all have experienced the feeling of loneliness at one time or another. The definition is stated as being isolated ,empty, abandoned, solitary, companionless. I am sure that there are many more words that can be used to explain loneliness.

One can be in a room full of people and feel alone because they are not connecting with others or their emotions. So they might find it hard to communicate how they feel or what they want. Loneliness is a state of mind that you have tuned your thoughts to.  

Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person. Their life might be in a constant battle between wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely.

You will never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself. Change your mind set. You are your best friend so rely and depend on yourself to make yourself happy and fulfilled. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.

Loneliness is designed to help you discover who you are, and to stop looking outside yourself for your worth. Sometimes you have to stand alone, just to make sure you still can.

               "Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self"  author May Sarton



starting Over!

We have all made mistakes through out our lifetime, but the nice thing is that everyday allows us new opportunities. Every morning we wakes is a new day to make a difference, maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.

Today is not just another day. It's a new opportunity, another chance, a new beginning, embrass it. Never give up on yourself, just when the caterpillar thought her life was over she begin to fly. Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be.

You can't start the new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. A new day has started let's make something of this day. 

Every second brings a fresh beginning; Every hour holds a new promise; Every night our dreams can bring hope and Everyday is what you choose to make it. Don't waste it.


                       "NEW BEGINNINGS are often disguised as painful endings."  author Lao Tzu





Positive Thinking

We all have a tendency to have negative thoughts, that's OK because we are all human. If you continue to allow negative thought to grow inside of you, it will take you to another level in your life that you really don't want to be. Who wants to be miserable on a daily basis? Who wants to be upset emotionally for a long period of time? No one does.

Negative thoughts robs you of the beauty in the world, clouds your judgement and makes you miserable.

Everything in your life happens for a reason. Be thankful for the bad things in life, for they open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before. Things may be happening in your life because you might need to make some changes, take a look at the direction you are traveling.

Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday, if you would just take the time and look for it. When you think a positive thought in the morning it could change your whole day for you.

Just because something isn't happening for you right now doesn't mean that it will never happen, think positive. Don't waste your time looking back on what you've lost, move on, for life is not meant to be traveled backward.

  "an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties it means that it's going to launch you into something great." author  unknown



Dare to Dream


We all have dreams in our lives that we would love to see come true. Money dreams, relationship dreams, traveling dreams, having fun dreams. Dreams are what  keep our hopes alive and our actions are what turns those dreams to reality.

A dream is a seed that is planted in our heart waiting to be pursued and brought to life. Never stop dreaming and believing that your dreams will come true. Some dreams are easy to accomplish and there are some that seems like they are never going to happened. Doubt in a dream or yourself just feeds negativity and negativity destroys a dream. The more positive thoughts you have in yourself and your dreams helps that dream to grow and become reality.

The belief in yourself is what makes your dreams become real,that is the food that feed those dreams and makes them grow. Don't dream your life, live your dream.

Hopes and Dreams are like teardrops in the rain, they get lost in reality. So we must make sure that we continually shine love and positive thoughts on all our hopes and dreams just to make sure they don't get lost in the raindrops.

"What takes us back to the past are the memories. What brings us forward is our dreams"      author Jeremy Irons


Dare to Believe in your Dreams!!






My inspirational Moment

I wanted to say thank you to all of you that came out to help me introduce myself and leave you with an inspiring message.

Your support is what will carry me to the next phase of my journey.

As I mentioned today that big changes in your life are made with small steps, today was a small step that created  a big change in me.


"many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." author Eleanor Roosevelt


Thanks for the footprint!!!!

True Reflections

Do you believe that what you see in the mirror is a true reflection of yourself or just an image shown externally to others? Your true reflection comes from your heart.

Whenever I come cross an amazing quote I enjoy sharing it with you. I have come across an amazing statement that I would like to share with you now:

  An amazing thing happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy.  Your life literally slows down. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special events. You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy. You move fluidly, steadily, calm and grateful. A veil is lifted, and a whole new perspective is born.


"The world is a  looking glass. It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts." author Thackery


Staying True to Yourself

Sometimes in our lives we want to accomplish more for ourselves and we begin to change to fit that roll. We want so much to be excepted by others that we sometime forget who we are and what we really want to accomplish.

Always stay true to yourself because there are very few people who will always be true to you.

If you are being true to yourself and it isn't enough for the people around you, than change the people around you.

Don't change to make someone else happy when that change is making you sad, you are the important one in this equation.

It doesn't mean anything what people think of you, what matters most is what you think of yourself.

Where there are choices to made, make the one you won't regret.

             " you were born an original don't die a copy." author John Mason







Taking a Chance.......

We are all taught in life to be careful. Careful what we say, what we do, how we act, what to eat, who to trust. From a young age we are taught precautions.

Even after we grow up those precautions are still with us. Has anyone really thought about what would happen if we step out of our comfort zones! What if we just decided to take a chance on life and say how we really feel toward someone. If we decide to give a stranger in need a helping hand, what do you think would happen? Giving your love to someone without expectations,you might find that someone loves you too. Take that chance to live your life.

Take that chance to make a big life change, so you would never regret not taking that step. When you never try you will never know if it will work. In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.

You can't go through life protecting yourself from everything. You have to take chances,because if you don't then you might as well not be living.

I would rather have a life of "OH WELLS" than a life of "WHAT IF's".

                  " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." author Robert F. Kennedy







Expectation is a strong feeling that something will happen. Through out our life we expect things to happen and get upset if it doesn't. Expecting things can be disappointed when it doesn't happen for you.

Sometimes we expect more from others because we would do that much for them and when they don't live up to our expectations we become disappointed. 

What messes us up through life is the picture in our head of how it suppose to be and many times it doesn't turn out that way.

Expect more from yourself then from others because expectation from others will just disappoint you if they don't meet your standards. Don't expect things to happen, it's better to feel surprised then to be disappointed.

Learn to love without condition. Talk without bad intentions. Give without any reason. Most of all care for people without any expectations.

                                   "Act without EXPECTATIONS"  author Lao Tzu


Live and be happy!!!!


























Loving Yourself

We all know that February 14th is Valentine's Day, the day that love and desires are expressed with flowers and candy to the one you love. The day that you get recognized as the individual of someone's heart.

What happens to the individual that doesn't have a person to share that romantic day with? Just because you did not receive that box of candy  or flowers on Valentine day doesn't mean you are not loved.

You don't need someone to validate love for you  when you love yourself. The good thing about loving yourself is that it is done all year long not just one day of the year. The sweetness that you feel all year won't melt or get eaten up in just one day, the smell of roses through out the year is better than just for one day. The flowers that bloom in your heart will never die and always will be remembered.

You need to be proud that the validation of love for yourself is something you don't need someone to do for you. You are fortunate that you love and show appreciation for yourself all year long not for just one day. On February 15th you are still in love with yourself, be proud that the only one that can make you truly happy is you.

Let us know that when we love ourselves Valentine's Day is everyday.

                       " F. L. Y.----First Love Yourself and others will come next" author unknown


Give yourself a Hug!!!!!!










You make a Difference

We all go through our busy life's not thinking of the impact that we have on each other everyday. The time we smiled at a person in passing not realizing that person maybe going through some hard times and needed someone to notice they exist, or that time you helped someone in the supermarket getting something off the shelve because they were unable to reach it.

Can you think of anything this week that you did that made a difference in someone's life?

 Let me give you a little hint: what about making dinner for your family, the time you called a friend to say hello and talked for hours, telling someone you love them, holding the door for someone to go through, making someone laugh that felt down in the dump, listening to someone that had a hard da or giving someone a helping hand up. When you think that you don't make a difference with small effects,remember that one rain drop raises the ocean, little things make a difference.

So, as you go through your busy life just remember every time you do a good deed for another person you are making a difference in their life. You make a differences because you exist.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."   author Dr. Maya Angelou


Make Someone Smile today!!!






Taking Time for Ourselves

We become so busy doing our everyday chores and family obligations that we have a tendency to forget ourselves. Through out the year we need to stop and provide ourselves with some happy moments.Take time to do what makes our souls happy. 

Time for those long awaited get together, sharing conversations with long time friends, sitting back and reading a good book, catching  up on personal happiness (whatever that may be). Time is your friend, treat it with care, enjoy it's company deeply.

Just taking a moment to remember who you are and  how important you are to yourself. Remembering what you are striving toward and what you wish to accomplish in your future. Time is not guarantee to anyone, but it does allow you to enjoy those special moments of the days you are given. Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.

The two most powerful warriors in this world are patience and time. Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lose it you can never get it back.

There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important things. (Brian Tracy)


"Time is more valuable then money. You can get more money but you can not get more time" author Jim Rohn



Reaching Out for Change

Making changes in most of our lives is not a simple process. Making changes is pretty scary ,but, what is even more frightening is REGRET for not making that change.

In order for us to move forward in our lives there are going to have to be changes made. Your life does not get better by chance it get better by change. (John Rohn)

A change in behavior begins with a change in the heart and mind. You feel that there is more for you out there and you set a plan in motion to move toward that truth. Every new day is another chance to change your life.

If you want something in your life you've never had, you will have to do something you've never done. Change is never easy, we fight to hold on and we fight to let go.

Don't fear change embrace it and appreciate what it can do for you.

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another"    author Anatole France



Change is POSSIBLE!!!!


What is HAPPINESS? Happiness is different for everyone. Some of us it might take very little to make us happy and be pleased with life. On the other hand some of us it would take heaven and earth together to make us smile. 

No matter how we get there, being happy, the trick is to stay there. Life has it way of making us unhappy by the daily games that it likes to play on our lives.I call them games because there are winners attached to the games of life. Either you win the game or you let the event that happened win the game.

If you can remember that happiness is a direction in life and not a place and that the direction can be changed if you want the game to have a different ending. As long as we live, there will be challenges between happiness and unhappiness, that's life. The direction you choose to take will determine the emotional high you will have or not have.

As you go through your daily lives holding onto your happiness remember the secret of happiness is to admire without desire, (Carl Sandbury).

"plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it"  author William Feather




Stepping forward from FEAR

As we enter into the new year with new hopes and dreams to accomplish in 2015, we need to remember that in order to accomplish your dreams you must do it without fear.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve and that is the fear of failure. That step into the unknown can cause feeling of uncertainty and uneasiness, let us try not to be fearless just to fear less.

Fear is not something that is real, it is a product of our thoughts. Don't let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen. The word fear is such a small word with so much control.

Let's kick fear in the butt this year and move forward with our dreams, become what we always wanted to be and do what we always dreamt of. To Live, Love and be Happy.

"Life is short, live it: Love is rare, grab it: Anger is bad, dump it: Fear is awful, face it" author unknown
Let's make those steps forwards!!!!!!




New Beginnings

Now that we have all shared in the magical day, Christmas, it is time to start the next step of our holiday adventure.

Christmas time was giving and receiving gifts, cheers, laughter and love. Now it is time to sit back and recap our adventures in 2014. Did it turn out the way you had planned at the beginning of the year? Those resolutions you made for yourself have you accomplished them yet?

This week is when we review the events that happened to us through out the year. Things we learned, things we did, some regrets and some wonderful accomplishments, people we lost and new loves we found, all that occurred In 2014.

Some of us look forward to a New Year to be able to let go of the past year events and move forward into your next new adventures. Others don't like the New Year because letting go of things they know and feel comfortable with is hard to do. Change is always difficult because we don't know what to expect.

If we looked at our lives as a staircase the only way to reach  the top is to take one step at a time. There will always be stairs to climb in our life, but If we just keep making those steps forward we will successfully get to the top of those challenges.

So, as we move forward onto our New Year, I want to wish you all a healthy, prosperous and happy 2015.

"It's a new year, with new fear, time to take on new chances, and make new advances"  author unknown


Christmas Time

We are almost to that magical day, CHRISTMAS. Stepping out of our doors in the evening time makes us feel like we just stepped into a glittering wonderland. Houses decked out with ornaments and blinking lights, parties and get together with friends and family,sharing cheers and laughter through out the week.

We all can't wait to see what will appear under our tree on that magical day. Getting up and unwrapping our wonders of the week, anxious to see the gifts that were wrapped with so much love.

I call that day magical because we all get something that we weren't expecting, something good or something different. It's magical because no matter what we receive on that day we will smile and except because the person that gave it to you did it out of love.

Christmas is the only time of the year that we all come together in love with smiles on our faces. Even if the gift was not what you wanted the love behind that gift is what you needed.

Some of us will receive the gift we wanted, others might receive a gift unexpectedly, in any case that gift of love that you got was given to you from the heart.

We need to stop and appreciated everything you will receive on that magical day,more than that, we need to remember who loves us.

"Giving and sharing with others makes life magical" author Gwen Snypes- Jones





As we get closer to that magical time of Christmas things certainly become  more hectic. At this time of the year with everything we have to complete we can forget to count our blessings. Rushing around shopping, wrapping and attending social gathering with friends and family all take time.

We  get stuck in traffic going to the mall, lines in the store are continuous around the aisles, people become frustrated and those smile we once saw are not there.

It would be a good time to stop and look at the some of the blessings we have. The blessing that we have a car to get stuck in traffic with. The blessing that we are able to walk and stand without  being assisted. The blessing that our friends and family members are still here to enjoy for another day.

I came across this quote that I would like to share with you:

"Live your truth, Express your Love, Share your enthusiasm, Take action toward your dreams, Walk the Talk, Dance and Sing to your music, Embrace your blessings, Make today worth remembering" author Dr. Steve Maraboli

 Remember the 3 "L"- LIVE LAUGH and LOVE.



No Stopping Naughty

We are now in the month of being naughty, DECEMBER, Christmas month.  December seems to turn  on what I call a "NAUGHTY BUTTON OF GIVING

Yes! the time of the year when being naughty is OK.  

This time of the year brings out the naughty that make us happy.

  • the time of year when we share our time and hearts with family and friends even if we are busy
  • the time of year when we don't stop and think about the cost of things but whether or not it is going to make someone smile
  • the time of year when you give more than just a  gift, you share yourself
  • the time of year when sitting back putting your feet up and relaxing with family, even though the kitchen needs to be clean
  • the time of year when you walk in the snow/rain and steal a hug from someone you care for
  • the time of year when you go play in the park instead of doing household chores and laundry
  • the time of year when you hang the mistletoe so that you can steal a kiss
  • the time of year when you fall asleep in the arms of someone special after a hard day of shopping
  • the time of year when you sneak out of work  to go pick up that special gift
  • the time of year when Love is truly magical

 There is no stopping naughty for the holidays. Besides being naughty like this we should  wish for all year long not just in December.


                    "Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip" author Gary Allan



Come let's be naughty together!